Buildings never sit still.
And it’s more fun when they don’t. To consider a building as a dynamic space is to account for a true understanding of buildings as living, breathing elements that support life. The purpose of The Moving Detail project was to test student’s skill in understanding not only the representation of a building detail, but to further explain it through a moving model. The kinetic understanding and physical interpretation made for substantial expressions of form. As architects, we’re used to things sitting still. In terms of buildings, that is generally the preference. The project is a chance for designers to explore the world of kinetic details in both abstract and real terms. The abstraction is where the author has the chance to explore the problem of motion in primary terms. How and why does an elevator, a door or a cabinet slider move the way it does? What are the basic components of the system that must come together and make it a detail. Along with the physical models, students are first asked to document and draw the problem in its standardized representation in order to gain a clear understanding of the metrics used to represent this delicate world. Next, they have to make a kinetic model that demonstrates the motion. The problem of building a model is one that most people struggle with. The process of calibrating material scale, tolerance and performance is a challenging obstacle. By overcoming the challenge and building something that moves, it offers the students and deeper understanding of the inherent physical performances architects summon from their builders on a daily basis.
Joseph Loreto, Blair Bouchard, Marisol Miel Aguila, Nicolas Hardt, Qianyun Zhu